CAD Tutorials: Pro Engineer: How to use the quick fix option of pro engineer

CAD Tutorials: Pro Engineer: How to use the quick fix option of pro engineer

Suppose, you have spent your whole eight hours sift for making an assembly and at the next day morning, when you are trying to open the assembly, you find a big failure diagnostics window; definitely a bit panic situation it is, but keep your cool and first thing you have to do in this case is to try to find out the reason of failure (of course sometimes it is easier to said than done) and then click the quick fix option of resolve feat of the menu manager, which is normally at the top right corner of your pro engineer screen.

The options, which will be available under quick fix option, vary under different failure situations. We will see which option will be our friend under which circumstances below.

  • Find component: While dealing with complex assemblies sometimes it may happens that pro engineer unable to find the desired component and pro engineer go to resolve mode. There may have several reasons, how a component goes missing. Some of the possible reasons are :
      • By mistake, you have pressed delete all versions instead of delete old versions of a component**.**
      • By using save a copy option if you copy your assembly to a different folder but instead of renaming each component, if you reuse them, then only the top level assembly will be copied to destination folder. Now, next time when you will try to open the assembly from the destination folder, you will see the components are missing.
      • If you manually delete some of the pro engineer part files from your working folder.

Because any of the above reason if your components of pro engineer assembly gets missing, then the find component option will get highlighted. Click on the find component option, it will direct you to working directory first and from there you can go to different directories, in search of a component of same name and having same features ( in other words copy of old component). If you got a part like the old one, select that and click ok. You will see your pro engineer failure resolved. Before going out of the pro engineer session, make sure that you have taken a back up of the whole assembly to the working directory, or else you will land with same problem next time when you will start your pro engineer sessions.

What is a pro engineer session?

You click on the short cut of pro engineer to start pro engineer and after working on different pro engineer window of the same pro engineer, you finally exit from pro engineer by clicking the cross (close) at the top right corner of all the windows or by going to file>exit. From starting of pro engineer to exiting from pro engineer is called a pro engineer session. Until you close the base window, even if you close all the part and assembly window, still you are in the same session.

  • Redefine: Redefine option could be used when any feature references or any assembly references no longer become valid. When you will click on the redefine option, pro engineer will direct you to the same window as the creation of the feature or assembly. In other words, by using redefine option you can change the way feature or assembly was created. For example, if an assembly constraint is failing, then by redefine option you will be directed to the component window and you can remove the failed assembly constraints or give another valid constraint.
  • Suppress: While fixing a failure problem, if you select suppress then pro engineer will temporarily not consider the components/features for regeneration. But the features/components will not be deleted permanently, you can resume (unsuppress) them later. This is a quick solution for failure, provided the failed features/parts are out of your interest area for the time being.
  • Clip suppress: This option will suppress the failed features/components as well as all the features/components depends on this.
  • Delete: This option will delete the failed features/components.
  • Quit retr: By this option you will be able to come out of the assembly without opening it, but you will be in session.
  • Freeze: This option will keep the failed component at the current location, ignoring the failed assembly constraints.