Onshore Job for Sailors: Some of the Lucrative Onshore Jobs

Onshore Job for Sailors: Some of the Lucrative Onshore Jobs


Fed up of being at sea for long periods? Are you a victim of the recession? Are you getting old and feel that a job onshore would be better? If your answer is yes to any one of the questions, you are reading the right article.

The recession has hit many industries hard, and the marine industry is no exception. Fields releated to it like the fishing industry, cargo industry, etc. are also hit hard. This has led to many people in the marine industry losing their jobs. Marine Engineers, sailors, chefs, and other members of the crew are left jobless and some have no clue about their future as they have no idea who will hire them.

Here are a few industries that offer onshore jobs to marine engineers and sailors. Let’s see why and what they have got to offer.

Onshore Jobs for Sailors and Marine Engineers:

Ship Yards:

With the ample experience that marine engineers and sailors have, their experience is used in ship yards to build ships and eliminate the problems faced by ships built earlier. With the experience the sailors and marine engineers have, they have the ability to figure out problems earlier than others. This makes them the top professionals to be recruited at ship yards with an attractive paycheck.

Image Credit: Flickr

Engine Manufacturing Company:

Marine engineers should know the functioning of the engines irrespective of the maker of the engine. They are trained to repair or troubleshoot engine problems whenever they happen and help the sailors navigate the ship to its destination. Due to this, the marine engineers as well as sailors have exposure to engines of different kinds and the technology that is used to make them. This knowledge is what engine manufacturers expect from their engineers. This is indeed a lucrative onshore job for marine engineers as they are accepted as chief engineers and are given other high posts and responsibilities based on their experience.

Port Management:

With lots of cargo ships and ships of various other descriptions coming in and going out of the port every now and then, men with experience are needed to manage them and dock them. Logistics are used to place the containers on the port so that they can be loaded on the cargo ships and the unloaded cargo can be sent to their destinations. Careful planning is done in this process as there are limited resources like cranes and trucks at a given time. Also there are times when the place where the cargo containers are kept is not big enough or cannot accommodate enough cargo. At times like these, the experience of the sailors comes in handy. They are also hired at canals like the Suez Canal and Panama Canal as the way for a ship to pass is just enough and thorough planning has to be done before a ship crosses the narrow canals.

Port Management

Image Credit: Wikipedia

Port Security:

Who better than experienced sailors know the seas, especially the waters near the port where they are stationed. Their knowledge is used at base radio stations and on the security boats sometimes so that they can guide other sailors to the required points at sea. They are also useful to guide sailors without enough experience back to the port when the weather is bad. Moreover port security needs people who can work in any situation irrespective of the time of the day, and this is exactly what is sailors have to offer.

Port Security

Image Credit : Wikipedia

Off-Shore Drilling Platform:

The oil industry is a huge empire, and it is hard to imagine the end of the oil industry. An offshore drilling platform has accommodation for a limited number of people and the people working there should be ready for any situation and should be smart enough to work out a solution in a matter of minutes. Teamwork is essential and there are not many other than sailors and engineers who display better teamwork. Sailors and marine engineers use their experience to navigate ships near the offshore drilling platform as they have to be very careful of the pipes that are used to fill the oil tankers with oil. Since the people on the drilling platform work in shifts of a week or two, they are paid higher than other people along with other incentives. This makes offshore drilling one of the most attractive onshore jobs.

Offshore Drilling Platform

Image Credit : Wikipedia

In addition to the jobs discussed above there are many more onshore jobs for sailors and marine engineers.